Everything You Need to Know about the Potential Risks of Taking Testosterone Boosters
Fluctuations in your libido are natural, especially as you are getting older. While medications, lifestyle, and stress can highly impact your drive, we can also include physiology as an element.
Testosterone – a hormone that boosts desire, muscle mass, and bone density could be the real culprit. A person might feel less interested as the hormone level reduces, or you might not be able to perform as you'd likely do. A dip in drive can cause anxiety and could affect a healthy intimate relationship. If you're thinking about using a testosterone supplement, have a look at the side effects first.
What functions does testosterone perform?
Testosterone is one of two primary hormones produced in both men and women, but comparatively more in men. Women's body creates estrogen more than testosterone. Testosterone levels increase in a boy at the stages of puberty. It's responsible for: deeper voice, big muscles, increased facial and body hair, and the maturity of reproductive organs.
Sperm production is another function of testosterone. Its level varies all through the day, usually high in the morning. Moreover, levels vary up and down over your lifespan and reduce every 10 years, normally 1 to 2% per year after you get 30. This could signify less desire later in life and possibly a softer muscle tone.
Apart from aging, other plenteous reasons can reduce testosterone production in the body—for example, pituitary disorders, testicle injury, AIDS or HIV, inflammatory diseases, and cancer.
Testosterone supplements
A condition in which our body stops producing testosterone is called hypogonadism. To treat this condition, people usually opt for testosterone replacement therapy. However, it's still unclear if supplements can be helpful or not.
Prostate and heart risks
Testosterone might be the reason for several health issues. Studies have recommended a link between heart problems and supplements. One research found that men above 65 years had more heart problems when they started using testosterone gel. One more research involved men above 65 years of age with a history of heart problems, and half of them were heart-healthy men. It revealed that both groups had a higher risk of heart attacks while using testosterone supplements.
Moreover, while there are mutually exclusive findings, the use of testosterone replacement therapy can play a major role in increasing your risk of cardiac issues and prostate cancer.
Other side effects of testosterone supplements
Like other medications and supplements, testosterone therapy comes with several side effects and huge risks. This is specifically true if you use supplements for normal aging instead of treating a condition.
The side effects of using testosterone supplements are; hair loss, acne flares, sleep apnea, testicular shrinkage, increased aggression, infertility, and breast enlargement.
Remedies to increase testosterone naturally
Testosterone therapy doesn’t suit everybody. You can try plenteous natural remedies. For instance, adding potassium-rich foods and zinc in your daily eating routine, more sleep, low consumption of sugar, and daily workout can be very effective in increasing testosterone levels.