
Home Remedies for Neuropathy

Those of you who are familiar with peripheral neuropathy know that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. On the other hand, you're probably looking for ways to alleviate your symptoms. OTC pain relievers are just one of many options for coping with discomfort. When nerve pressure is particularly severe, it may require more intensive treatment, such as physical therapy, surgery, or injections. There are a lot of natural remedies that can help with neuropathy in your legs and feet, which is good news for many people who would instead not use pharmaceuticals. Home Remedies for Neuropathy It's common knowledge that nerve...

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Neuropathy Causes

The peripheral nervous system is one of the many intricate systems that make up the human body; it relays messages from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. If it's doing its job right, the peripheral nervous system will relay information about your senses, such as whether or not your feet or hands are cold. The heart, blood vessels, digestive process, urine, and sex life are all controlled by this communication network. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when there is an issue with nerve signaling. Multiple nerves are implicated, meaning that neuropathy's root causes and treatments can be...

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Types of Neuropathy: All You Need to Know

Nerve impairment or nerve damage is called neuropathy. Depending on the severity, it can alter nerve function in a temporary or permanent way. Neuropathy can be caused by a wide variety of factors and comes in many different forms. One of the symptoms is loss of nerve function, which can lead to a loss of sensation or strength. Paresthesias (unusual sensations) are one symptom of neuropathy, along with pain and discomfort. Medications exist to alleviate unpleasant feelings in most cases. If the underlying cause of neuropathy can be treated, the condition may no longer worsen. This article will go through...

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Neuropathy in Feet Symptoms

It's important to note that there are many other reasons for neuropathy, but diabetes is a significant contributor. For some patients, neuropathy can be effectively managed and even reversed. If neuropathy cannot be reversed, treatment should focus on alleviating symptoms and limiting their impact on one's life. Injury to the peripheral nerves is called peripheral neuropathy. The nerves that travel to your limbs (legs and arms) are called peripheral nerves. Damage to the nervous system disrupts the normal functioning of the nerves. In the case of those suffering from peripheral neuropathy, sensation in the toes and fingers sometimes diminishes or...

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