
What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy, also known as nerve damage, can be caused by several medical issues and therapies such as diabetes and treatment like chemotherapy. Neuropathy, also called peripheral neuropathy, is a catchall word used to describe various conditions involving damage to the peripheral nerves and the symptoms of such damage. While there is no cure for this group of symptoms, diet, lifestyle, and medical adjustments can help you avoid or cope with neuropathy. Signs and Symptoms of Neuropathy The Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) agree that the specific manifestations of neuropathy vary from person to...

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What Causes Neuropathy: A Detailed Guide

Neuropathy has various symptoms, including numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and pain resulting from damage or malfunction to one or more nerves. Although the hands and feet are common sites of onset for neuropathies, other areas of the body are also not immune to the condition. Neuropathy, sometimes known as peripheral neuropathy, is an indication of dysfunction in the extremities of the neurological system. The peripheral nervous system refers to the system of nerves outside the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). The central nervous system includes both your brain and spinal cord. Visualize the interplay of the two...

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What Is Sensory Ataxia: A Detailed Guide

Sensory Ataxia is caused by a lack of sensory input into movement control, in contrast to cerebellar impairment, which can induce Ataxia. Ataxia or decreased coordination of voluntary muscular action is a physical finding, not a disorder. Sensory Ataxia causes unsteady walking, and, specifically, it may affect the ability to balance with closed eyes or in the dark (in situations like showering). Loss of proprioception (the ability to know where one's body parts are concerning others and the ground) underlies sensory Ataxia, which manifests as uncoordinated musculoskeletal movements. High-stepping gaits (related to motor weakness) and feet-slapping gaits are two possible...

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Ataxia: Symptoms & Treatment

Ataxia can all be impaired by the inability to control voluntary motions, such as talking, blinking, swallowing, walking, and grasping objects. Multiple sclerosis (MS), head trauma, heavy alcohol use, stroke, cerebral palsy, heredity, and tumors are just a few of the conditions and other variables that include ataxia. Specific immune system problems and infections can also cause ataxia. This article will go through a few of the most common varieties, their potential causes, and current treatments. Symptoms Ataxia symptoms are condition-specific. The onset age relies on the underlying reason. When ataxia is inherited, it may manifest in early childhood or...

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