Testosterone is an important hormone that helps with plenteous functions inside the body. Its other name is "Androgen hormone" – a primary male sex hormone. It helps with the making and maintenance of male reproductive cells and also supports muscle and bone strength. Overall, this hormone has a prominent effect on a person's health and well-being.
Hypogonadism (testosterone deficiency) often implies a frightening list of potential health risks: you may get obese more easily, for instance, in the form of calories (fats), not muscle mass. Or you could experience low sex drive, thus low testosterone level in men, which can mostly lead to erectile dysfunction.
Or maybe, you'll feel as if a never-ending lethargy is repressing your brain's ability to concentrate and make a quick-and-accurate decision, and feel healthy.
Men with testosterone deficiency may also experience a decline in bone mass, suffer from insulin resistance, and face heart problems. Low testosterone levels can hence contribute to substantial health problems if left untreated; that's the reason why it can be a great idea to be mindful of the possible symptoms of low testosterone.
But what if a person has high testosterone levels? High testosterone can contribute to a decline in size, count, fluctuation in performance, and acne. Although higher testosterone levels can be hereditary, there other possible reasons, also – involving anabolic steroid abuse and specific rare forms of adrenal tumors.
As you can observe, a testosterone level imbalance in our body can lead to several different health issues. So how will you know if your testosterone levels are too high or too low or normal?
Suppose you are suffering from these warning symptoms that you might have imbalanced testosterone levels. Check your testosterone level at home by using testosterone test measures. A man or woman needs to know your body's testosterone levels because this hormone is essential for a healthy metabolism. For example, optimal testosterone production assists your body gain muscle mass and burning extra calories (body fat).
Testosterone tests can assist you in knowing if your levels are within the normal range for your age or not. These tests analyze particular markers in your body, like free testosterone or total testosterone concentration.
Free Testosterone vs. Total testosterone
In men, testes make most testosterone through a complicated series of biochemical reactions – which transform cholesterol into testosterone (the adrenal glands also make some testosterone).
Molecules related to testosterone are then secreted instantly into the bloodstream – where a lot of them bind to other molecules popular as sex hormones sticking to SHBG or globulin. Other testosterone molecules stick to albumin – a significant form of blood protein.
Free testosterone?
What about the remaining testosterone – the unbound TS? This TS is called free T or free testosterone because it isn't linked to other molecules. As they don't bind to other proteins, the body uses this form of bioavailable testosterone. Your body uses these free testosterones actively since they are free to enter the body's cells – unobstructed by albumin or SHBG – to perform their function as indication molecules that modulate metabolism and other cellular functions. (Molecules related to testosterones that are not linked to other proteins can't enter most of the body's cells).
Wrap Up
Doing a testosterone test is an easy and quick way to check free and total testosterone levels to compare your testosterone levels to normal according to your age. Testosterone kits are used to view the results easily. If it is too low or too high, consult your healthcare provider for other treatment options.